About me Image

About me

Hello! My name is Shamlo Ameer, I’m a self taught full-stack engineer located in kurdistan, computer science graduate, I’m very passionate about learning new technologies and try new experiences, as hobbies i like to do meditation, reading books, going to gym, and walking.

Now I design and develop using Next.js and TypeScript as my main languages for front-end and Node, Express, and MongoDB for back-end, right now im practicing more by creating MERN stack applications, personally and within my work area.

I don’t like to define myself by the work I’ve done. I define myself by the work I want to do. Skills can be taught, personality is inherent. I prefer to keep learning new technologies and better habits, continue challenging myself, and do interesting things that matter.

My Projects

Here are a few projects I worked on recently!

Covid-19 tracker

A website to track the new pandemic Covid-19 virus, with visualization of map, table, chart for global and specific counters, 3 different languages and light - dark them.

Techs and tools used

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This web app is recreation of the Covid-19 tracker app, but used the Next.js framework with TypeScript for its development, showcasing map, table, chart for global and specific counters, with 2 themes light - dark.

Techs and tools used

sassNext.jsTypeScriptReduxRedux SagachartjsMaterial Table

Instagram Clone

Coming Soon

This is an upcoming project using MERN stack, MongoDB with Mongoose, Express, Next.js, Node.js, with authentication and redux for state management, and file uploads, currently under development.

Main techs and tools that will be used

sassTailwindCssMongoDBExpressNext.jsNode.jsReduxRedux Saga
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Contact me

I’m interested in freelance opportunities – especially ambitious or large projects. However, if you have other request or question, don’t hesitate to use the form.

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